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What is Menopause?

Menopause is a natural process, and not a medical problem or illness. After a certain age, women produce lower levels of the hormones oestrogen and progesterone. At this stage, all reproductive functions stop naturally, thus reducing your ability to conceive or get pregnant. While most women undergo menopause naturally, without any side effects, others can suffer from moderate to extreme side effects. Due to changes in hormone levels, menopause in some cases can lead to other health complications. At Apollo Cradle’s Menopause Clinic, we are well equipped and trained to help you through this natural process, and will treat any complications resulting from menopause.

Symptoms of Menopause?

Common indicators and symptoms of menopause include weight gain, pain in the joints, vaginal dryness and urinary tract infections. Changes in texture or dryness of the skin, dryness or loss of scalp hair are also common. In some cases, women going through menopause may also observe a reduced sex drive or sexual dysfunction, fatigue, night sweats and osteoporosis.

Menopause Clinic

Other commonly reported symptoms include feeling cold, hot flashes, sweating, early awakening, insomnia, or sleeping difficulty. You can also go through emotional symptoms such as anxiety or nervousness, sadness, sense of loss or even depression. In most cases, these symptoms will lessen or disappear once a woman has completed menopause.


Menopause is not an illness, but many people benefit from seeing their doctors when menstruation ends. A doctor can often confirm whether the reason for this change is perimenopause or menopause by asking some questions. They may also test hormone levels and perform other analyses of the blood and urine to rule out health issues. No tests, however, can conclusively indicate that menopause has begun.