Mother Care - Dr Asha Rajadhyaksha--> Antenatal Care and Post Natal Care in Prabhadevi @ Mother Care Clinic & Nursing Home
Antenatal & Postnatal Care

Antenatal care & postnatal care

For the Best Antenatal Care and Post Natal Care in Prabhadevi, Mumbai, Please visit Mother Care Clinic & Nursing Home of Dr Asha Rajadakshya Consulting Gynaecologist & Obstetrician with more than 37 Year of experience.

Postnatal period (or called postpartum) is defined by the WHO as the period beginning one hour after the delivery of the placenta and continuing until six weeks (42 days) after the birth of an infant. The first hours, days and weeks after childbirth are a dangerous time for both mother and newborn baby. In this period, the physical examination of the mother and proper counselling by skilled health service provider is very essential to prevent the health complications. The WHO has recommended postnatal visit for at least three times. The first visit within 24 hours, second visit within 2-3 days and the fourth visit in the seventh day is the normal schedule for postnatal visit. These visits help to find out the health problems in time.

Antenatal Care & Postnatal Care

Antenatal care (ANC) and postnatal care (PNC) are the key indicators to measure the maternal health, particularly safe motherhood. Antenatal care is a very good predictor of safe delivery and provides health information and services that can improve the health of women and infants (Bloom, Lippeveld & Wypij, 1999; WHO & UNICEF, 2003).The primary aim of antenatal care is to achieve, at the end of pregnancy, a healthy mother and a healthy baby. In addition, antenatal care has a positive impact on the utilization of postnatal health care service

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